Remnants power armor location
Remnants power armor location

Inside you’ll get the Ward 13 Master Key. Once you swipe the keycard to open the doors, turn the power back off, head through the huge Vent and find the hidden room to the right side. Place the Fuse into the power switch on the wall to turn on electricity which will allow you to open doors to another area. Go back to where you came from and go down to B3 area.

remnants power armor location remnants power armor location

Once those are opened, head down the hallway to a room on the left and loot the Fuse. Head to Ward 13 B2 area and find the locked doors that require a Ward 13 Keycard to open. To find the Submachine gun you’ll need to do a couple of things. The Drifter’s equipment can be found on that hidden floor.ĭrifter’s Armor is found in the Founder’s Hideout zone. You’ll find a cabinet to the right, break it and it’ll open a passage to a hidden floor. Find the room that has a monster corpse chained to the wall. The Drifter’s Armor set can be found in a hidden room inside the Founder’s Hideout. The Sniper Rifle can be looted in the basement of the Church in the Church zone. Break the wooden pellets and you’ll find the Sniper Rifle there. In the basement you’ll find wooden pellets and behind them a purple glow. All you have to do is go inside the Church. Getting the Sniper Rifle is very quick and simple. The Mad Merchant can be located in the Junk Town on Earth. To start a fight versus the Mad Merchant you’ll have to carefully pick dialogue options: “Are you okay”, “Are you a scavenger”, “What’s with the mask”, “That mask is doing something to you”, “Let me see the mask now”. Twisted Mask is a secret quest reward that you get for beating the Mad Merchant.

remnants power armor location remnants power armor location

The Wailing tree can be found in the Wailing Wood zone. To do so, you’ll have to wear the Twisted Mask, after talking to it you’ll get the Bark Skin perk. To get the Bark Skin Trait you’ll need to speak to the Wailing Tree. Wailing Tree is located in the Wailing Wood zone (you can use the checkpoint to travel there). Note that after you’ve killed the tree there will be no way of getting Bark Skin, so get it beforehand. If you wear the Twisted Mask to talk to the Tree it will award you with the Bark Skin Trait (see below). The Wailing Tree will start talking in an alien language once you get near it. But be careful, when the tree gets damaged it will spawn enemies. To receive the Twisted Idol you’ll have to kill the Wailing Tree.

Remnants power armor location